Lee Strasberg Workshop
What our students say

Boyana Avdjieva
It was an amazing opportunity to expand upon the knowledge and training I already had and to find even more things about myself as an artist. It was an honour to work alongside my talented Bulgarian colleagues with such giving teachers. Getting to be taught by them is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am incredibly grateful to be given this scholarship and I accept it as an amazing chance and responsibility to show how much perseverance, potential and ability there is in Bulgarian artists.

Kalin Vrachanski
The Method Acting workshop allowed me to look even deeper into this profession and challenge myself. I have always thought that when it comes to acting there's no limit that can be reached, you can always get better and better. Method Acting and our teacher Paul Rush, who led us with such passion in this process, proved it to me.

Yana Bozhanin
The workshop is an amazing opportunity for everyone and especially for us in Bulgaria to expand our horizons! It was one of the most exciting things that have ever happened to me and I believe I found people with whom I will continue my journey! The organization was perfect, teachers were responsive and caring - I strongly recommend it!

Iren Krivoshieva
Five weeks passed like spring rain and left the light and strength of this season. Love and awareness marks
acting course led by Paul Rush and David Strasberg using the Lee Strasberg method.
Made possible thanks to Kristina Veroslavova.
Big thank you all!

Alexander Atanasov
If I had to describe my time with the Lee Strasberg Workshop with just a few words, I wouldn’t be able to. This was truly a magnificent and excitingly mesmerising experience, one that I can not and will not forget. Such moments can’t be explained, they must be felt and lived in! Thank you so much!

Lyuba Dimitrova
The workshop was a thrilling and challenging experience. It was unbelievably impactful to witness the boundless enthusiasm, respect and dedication our mentors had for this art. All of us were in need to be reminded of how important our mission as artists is and how capable we actually are. I’m grateful to have been a part of it.

Martina Troanska
The workshop introduced me to the Method acting technique and allowed me to experience things I have never let myself experience before as a performer. I am so grateful to Paul Rush for all his attention and care. His positive approach helped me get deeper in releasing my emotional, physical and mental tension.
It is a great opportunity for any artist of any age and experience to meet and learn from industry professionals of the highest level.

Martin Taskov
It was a sheer pleasure studying and working with the Method. The workshop atmosphere that Paul and Kristina created was beyond amazing. I had a chance to immerse myself more in what I do, without pressure and judgment. I didn’t think it was possible, but after the workshop, I fell in love with acting even more! Thank you!

Jacklin Georgieva
It was an unforgettable, special and meaningful 5 week's journey of the 5 senses.
Method acting is so important to each actor who wants to BE, NOT TO ACT.
I am so grateful that I was part of this!
Thanks to the Lee Strasburg Institute, David Strasberg, and especially Paul Rush for believing in our capabilities and giving us the opportunity to be part of your family!

Elitsa Bineva
Before joining the Lee Strasberg workshop, my work as an actor seemed dull, insincere, and uninspired. I desperately needed to shake off my old acting habits and look for exciting new means of expression. Thanks to Paul and David’s guidance, I woke up from my artistic slumber and found a new voice that is truthful and worth listening to. My work now has a clear meaning and direction. I have become braver and more liberated both on stage and on screen. I deeply cherish this experience and consider it a pivotal point in my journey as an actor.

Hashem El Bidewy
My time with the Lee Strasberg workshop was truly an unforgettable experience that I will always cherish. I have learned a lot during those five weeks and the workshop really allowed me to challenge myself and push my limits and do things that I didn’t know I was capable of doing. What I really appreciated and respected was how much our teachers actually cared about this art and how they were always encouraging us and pushing our limits.

Yume Pellegrino
Teaching is a difficult art. Patience is an even more difficult state of mind: both present in our exceptional teachers: Paul Rush and David Strasberg. I am grateful for their teaching as it allowed me to understand parts of my mind that I consciously can work with and be productive in interesting ways.